・Ecological Dog Life Advocate: Hiroto Tomatsu, aka Pasta Papa
・ecodog management company: Eco Plan 21 Ltd.
・Founder of "Wananohana", currently in an advisory capacity
・Founder and president of the current ecodog

Hiroto Tomatsu, aka Pasta Papa.

He was born in 1961 in Shimizu-cho, Suntou-gun, Shizuoka Prefecture, in the Year of the Ox, type O. In 1979, he joined a major software company in Tokyo.

In 1979, he joined a major software company in Tokyo.

Worked for a major bank and manufacturer as a large general-purpose computer SE.

Headhunted by two foreign software companies

Changed jobs for career advancement.

Technical Department Manager, Technical Sales Manager and

Marketing manager positions, held

As a 35-year-old deputy manager, he runs a sales, technical and public relations staff of more than 50 people.

His hobbies include camping, canoeing, tennis, golf, and outdoor activities.
Since that time, he has been interested in rural life and environmental issues.

On the occasion of the 1997 COP3 global warming conference held in Kyoto
Voluntary retirement, aiming for an environment-related job
Then research the environmental business, but
The thin layers of the environmental business at the time shocked and frustrated me into finding a job.
He returned to his hometown in Shizuoka Prefecture.
He then explored farming and landscaping and environmental businesses in Shizuoka, but
Further frustration at its difficulty.

In 1999, he established his own company, Eco Plan 21 Ltd.
He started an ecological goods business, but he was stuck in the market development.

In 1999, he encountered the Internet store
He opened "Eco-Zakka.com" by himself and
Miraculously, the monthly sales exceeded 1 million yen in 10 months and became a breakthrough.

Around the same time, his dog Pasta's atopic dermatitis led him to
He collected natural food for dogs and ecological goods for himself.
At the request of customers, he started to sell them.
"Japan's first! The "Dog Eco Shop" was started.

Later, he established the eco-friendly dog brand "Wananohana," and
The company opened its first online store at Rakuten, Yahoo, and Amazon.
Including the real store, he achieved 100 million yen in annual sales within five years of opening and has continued to grow.

The company has been growing for five years and has achieved sales of 100 million yen per year.
He is a leading expert on natural food, additive-free dog food, and eco-friendly products.

In 2004, he was featured on NHK's national version of "Earth Love - New Environmental Era" and
NHK News, in the book "NHK Earth's Favorite Environment New Era" (NHK Publishing)
Aired and published as "Japan's First Ecological Shop for Your Dog".

By doing business directly with the manufacturer and not through wholesalers
Communicate the thoughts of manufacturers and developers to consumers, and
We believe that we can convey consumers' thoughts to manufacturers.
At present, he is planning and developing "eco-friendly products for your dog" that are not yet available to the world.
Jointly developed with a reliable manufacturer, and
The original products also exceeded 100 types.

In 2009, the company started planning, manufacturing and sales of ecological goods for dogs (SPA) and
In recognition of its longstanding track record, the
The pinnacle of awards for Internet stores
The "13th Japan Online Shopping Awards, Grand Prix
Awarded as the smallest company of all time.
Awarded the 13th "Japan Online Shopping Award" in 2009 by the EC Research Institute

Since 2007, I've been working on the "Ecological Life of My Dog" since
Reconstructed as "Ecological Dog Life" and
In addition to the specialty "natural dog food and eco-friendly goods,
"Work dogs," "abandoned dogs," "breeding
"Animal Testing" and "Education and Training" are the six pillars of the
He continues to advocate "a lifestyle in which people, animals and plants coexist in harmony.

In 2009, he changed his participation in Earth Day Tokyo from 2002 to the Ecological Dog Life Exhibition at Earth Day Tokyo.
The "Wanohana Assistance Dog Charity Cafe" evolved into the "Ecological Dog Life School" and "Wanbaru" to continue its activities.

In 2010, they were recognized for their longtime activities and achievements.
He was featured in the June 2010 issue of Sotokoto magazine in a special issue titled "60 Honest Company Stories".

In addition to business activities
Propose an ecological lifestyle
Human and Earth Friendly Life Association
and held an environmental study session for a year, establishing
Then he and his friends planned and held "Earth Day Izu" for two years, and
The club is currently on hiatus.

The Eco-Zakka Club, an organization created by 12 ecological manufacturers, was
In 2010, as one of the founders, the Eco-Zakka Cooperative was established.
Served on the board of directors for two years and is now disbanded.

Active participation in environmental events, and
We exhibit at more than 20 events a year.
He has been participating in Earth Day Tokyo since 2002, mainly as an exhibitor at
In 2004, the start of the ap bank fes.
Ecological Products has opened stores for eight consecutive years and
He has been organizing Earth Day Izu with his colleagues for two years.
He has been a member of FM station and local information newspaper
While also writing a series of articles in pet free papers, etc.
Information on "Ecological Dog Life".

Aiming for a symbiotic relationship between people and their dogs
The Assistance Dog Association and Guide Dog Association, the Therapy Dog Association, the
He also supports rescue organizations and event planning.

He is also interested in local community revitalization.
Shimizu Town Yume Koho 21, the Shimizu Town Chamber of Commerce and Industry's Specialty Products Project, etc.
Active participation.
Since November 2007, she has been a special instructor at her alma mater, Shimizu Junior High School: the Dream Class.
Serve as a sign dog and yearly instructor.

Owning a golden retriever dog, Bono
He is also a board member of the Japan Golden Retriever Club.

In the spring of 2020, considering his own health condition, he outsourced [Wananohana] to
Downsizing a business.

More particular about the planning and production of goods, and
Lifestyle suggestions, including camping with your dog
The concept is ecological dog life and to be able to propose
In the summer of 2020, we will establish a new brand and store [ecodog], and
To the present day.

On top of a mountain, in the town of Kannan, Shizuoka Prefecture, in private
Natural and ecological with their own dogs
Enjoys camping and lifestyle practices, and
The details are being serialized on social media.


Good day in 2020
Eco Plan 21 Public Relations Ltd.